Case Studies

Honor System


Services to Increase Enrollment and Stabilize Retention

Higher Education is now an economic statement. It has been for quite some time. As it is seen as some form of commodity it, like other industries, must justify its existence and seek revenue opportunities that are perennially viable.
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Tuition-driven higher education is in turmoil. Prospective students are shopping for price points but attempting to develop relationship and community. Higher ed institutions cannot keep pace.

How can I develop practical services and experiences for potential students that lay the groundwork for sustainable recruiting practices?

I brought 12 students into the design process, mapped their journeys, their responses to the higher-ed application process, and modeled their diverse ecology with internal staff. Together, we began building support services, prototyping against current student feedback.

Develop services and experiences to better engage a potential student body and provide the groundwork for sustainable recruiting practices.


Deciphering data analytics
for business owners

Data analytics tools work with the data architecture fed to them. They require stringent and thorough internal understandings of each KPI, their use across various lines of business and their ability to be shared, in part or in whole, with a variety of stakeholders.
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It became clear after the kickoff meeting that the barriers to dashboard development were being prompted by deeper concerns for information clarity, and that a simple changing of color schemes and button placement would have no effect unless more drastic measures were taken

How can I find the dissonance amongst the stakeholders in order to keep the client on board. Establish an evaluative framework to help inform the development process and establish UX principles. Develop the dashboards.

I developed a new usability framework meant to discover the pain point nuances of each user. These were compared to the original wireframes as an quick A/B approach. A data narrative was discovered that would help users understand their data. Dashboards were built.

The custom dashboards passed end user rigor with flying colors and entered development with a clear design system, guidelines and rationale for each KPI.


Reducing errors in onboarding

Online signups are ubiquitous to the point of acceptance. But what if these signups encourage user errors? A usability study was conducted to discover how language modifications to each page of Miro’s signup process could ease a user’s burden, reduce errors and open new subscription markets.
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The language used in Miro’s signup/onboarding process excludes potential user bases and encourages cognitive errors

How might the language used in the onboarding process be modified to better clarify the intent and purpose of

I recruited six potential Miro users as part of a usability study to determine whether or not modifications to the language used in Miro’s onboarding process would reduce errors and increase ease.

Every study participant found the modified version easier and more understandable. They were less prone to errors because the errors baked into Miro’s current state had been removed.